
Blue Hill Guidelines for Hosting Winter Events

Fan attendance for all indoor extracurricular activities is limited to 50% capacity.

Attendees must willingly wear a face covering over their nose and mouth. If an attendee does not comply with the face-covering guideline, they may not be allowed to attend future events.

All children through 6th grade must be seated with parents during the contest.

Cheerleaders and Dance Team will perform at home contests only. 

Pep Band will perform at specified contests only.

Concessions - We will have a concession stand, and workers will wear masks and gloves to serve.  Only pre-packaged items will be available for purchase. Anyone wishing to purchase something from the concession stand will need to wear a mask. Once a spectator buys their food or drinks item, they may sit in the cafeteria or return to their seat and eat/drink it.  They may do so unmasked, but once the food/drink is consumed, a mask must be worn.

Fans/patrons/parents should not go on the gym floor to meet participants before, during, or after the game. 

All home contests (VARSITY ONLY) will be live-streamed for all those who cannot attend. 

Please go here to subscribe!

Note:  You will need to subscribe with a Gmail email account.  


The order of games will be JV Girls, JV Boys, Varsity Girls, and Varsity Boys.  Times may need to be adjusted from previously scheduled times.